AES Encrypt/Decrypt with authentication code

This example demonstrates how to use AES-GMAC

Example code encrypt:

procedure TFrmMain.btnEncryptPWClick(Sender: TObject);
  Key: IRwBCryptGCMKey;
  Nonce, AuthTag: TRwBytes;
  // Create a AES-256 Key for Encryption in CCM mode
  // Note that there is a difference between "AES256(bccmGCM)" and "AES256_GMAC"
  // With "AES256(bccmGCM)" it's possible to encrypt with GCM mode, however, it does not return a GMAC,
  // nor does it verify a GMAC
  // The "AES256_GMAC" does return a GMAC value and will allow you to verify the decrypted value
  Key := TRwBCrypt.Cipher.AES256_GMAC.DeriveKey_CSP(edtPassword.Text, True, calgSHA256);

  Nonce :=  [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]; // The "Number Generated Once" must be 12 bytes
  edtEncrypted.Text := Key.EncryptString(edtToEncryptPW.Text, True, Nonce, AuthTag).Encode(beBase64);

  // Save the GMAC
  edtAuthTag.Text := AuthTag.Encode(beBase64);

Example code decrypt and verify:

  Key: IRwBCryptGCMKey;
  Nonce, AuthTag: TRwBytes;
  // Create the key
  Key := TRwBCrypt.Cipher.AES256_GMAC.DeriveKey_CSP(edtPassword.Text, True, calgSHA256);

  // Use the same nonce for decryptiing 
  Nonce :=  [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]; 

  // Load the GMAC
  AuthTag := TRwBytes.Decode(edtAuthTag.Text, beBase64);

  // Decrypt and verify
  // You will get an exception when the verification failes
  edtDecrypted.Text := Key.DecryptString(AuthTag, edtEncrypted.Text, beBase64, True, Nonce);

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